The Greater New-York
Citroën & Vélosolex Club
16th Rendez-Vous
Bastille Day Event 2015
"Velosolexes & Citroens at Grant's Tomb"
"Velosolex 4600 & Citroens Traction-Avant on Broadway"
"Citroens 2 CV Charleston & Velosolexes on Broadway"
"Citroen 2 CV on Broadway"
"Velosolexists stop for lunch at Maison Kayser"
"Velosolex 4600 in Times Square"
"Velosolexes at L'Occitane on Fifth Avenue"
"Resting in the shade at Washington Square Park"
"At the Bastille Day on 60th Street French-American Fair"
"BrianSolex & Mathieu at the Bastille Day Street Fair"
"Peugeot 202 & Velosolexes at the Bastille Day Street Fair"
"Citroëns at Bastille Day"
"Video: The Bastille Day Rendez-vous "